Cold and Blustery = Reading

OK yup, I fed and watered all the animals. I cleaned up the kitchen. Pretty sure that means that as soon as I sweep that I can sit down with a cup of chai and do some reading, right?

Here’s a link to many of the Kindle Stories that I’m reading, I urge you to check them out, there is good stuff here. I’m not saying that just because my Fairies story is there. No there are really great authors on Kindle Vella.

Haven’t tried Vella, yet? Why not?!? The first three episodes are free and after that, you pay only pennies per episode. You’re supporting authors (like me!). You even get free tokens (the pennies per episode) when you first start reading. So try it today!

I’m going to do a Reading Challenge soon for Vellas. It’s just for fun! Want a jump start?

Pick up a great series today!


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