Looking for some hot reads?

a bookshelf full of colorful books. One must be a favorite...

I have some new book recommendations for you!

We all need new books to read, even if we don’t need new books because we have, um, piles. I love virtual books for this reason! So much less clutter.

I have learned that writing these books isn’t actually the hardest part, it’s the marketing that I’m pretty bad at (promoting this blog or my author pages, too). So I periodically do newsletter swaps with authors that I like, or join these promotions. Sharing these promotions doesn’t make me any money, but it does allow me free advertising of my books by also sharing other people’s books.

Some of these BookFunnel promotions offer you a free book in exchange for signing up for their newsletter, some offer discounted prices. Remember, with ANY Kindle Vella book you read, the first three episodes are always FREE! Anyway, here’s a few collections (and yes these include my Kindle Vellas and ebook, too) that I think are pretty great:










General TBR




Our upcoming work

I am working at taking my completed Kindle Vella on Homestead Income and turning it into a two part eBook with my other homesteading ebook. I also got the great idea to do a homesteading recipe book of our favorite and go-to recipes. What do you think?

Want to just skip over to my books?

They’re all under this handy link, and some other stuff too.

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