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Thursday’s Top Ten 5 14 2020

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Thursday’s TBR List

So if you’re like me you have faaaaaaaarrrrrrrrr more books on your TBR than you can get through in a year or more, but you keep adding more anyway. I know, it’s addictive. Sometimes books are on my list because it intrigues me, some are there as an educational resource about something I am interested in, some are there because I like other books by the same author or as a sequel, some are recommendations, and a few just have cool titles or covers.

Don’t forget to check out my page of book reviews. I update this often. Most of the reviews are on the Onlinebookclub forums but some are here in this blog. Expect to keep seeing more. 

I thought I would take one day a week to go through my top ten lists. Today I decided to share ten of my TBR books. I would love to know if you have read or want to read any of these! So here is my first installment of Thursday’s Top Ten:

  • Mortal Engines by Philip Reeve 

OK, I’m cheating on this a little, as I actually just started reading it, but it was on my shelf for about 6 months. And, this one was actually on my shelf in hard copy format! This book is apparently a movie (from the filmmakers of LOTR!) and part of a whole series. It’s a futuristic story of cities having become mobile with larger cities reaping smaller cities, tearing them apart for their bits and pieces and enslaving or adopting the inhabitants. But there is also an interesting story of a boy and a girl thrown into an adventure together with a whole lot of tests of loyalty and quite a few hurt feelings, not to mention the coming of age of another young lady. 

  1. Jump Girl by Sali Crow 

The author is actually a wonderful woman that I have known for years. Conversations with her are always awesome and intriguing. She has an amazing speaking style and I cannot wait to read her book (I just have to make time for it!). 

From PenguinRandomHouse website: Carrying on traditions woven of her Blackfoot and Celtic roots, Salicrow is a natural psychic medium from a family with a long history of profound connection to the unseen world. In this intimate memoir, she tells the story of how she became aware of her gifts as a child, how she was taught and encouraged by her grandmother and father, and how for more than 25 years she has worked as a seer, using the Tarot and Runes as tools to help people…

  1. Your Successful Farm Business by Joel Salatin 

Years ago as I became interested in homesteading or living on a farm I heard of Joel Salatin and how he made use of every bit of land to its greatest potential.

The Amazon description begins: Twenty years ago Joel Salatin wrote You Can Farm, 

which has launched thousands of farm entrepreneurs around the world. With another 20 

years of experience under his belt, bringing him to the half-century mark as a full-time 

farmer, he decided to build on that foundation with a sequel, a graduate level curriculum.

  1. Solaris Seeks by Janet McNulty & Darien DeMaria 

I read the first book in this series so I need to crest the 

cliffhanger and read the second book. This is YA 

fantasy fiction, but pretty good. The first book read 

quickly and you can find a review for it on this page.

  1. Brother Odd: An Odd Thomas Novel by Dean Koontz 

This is the third book in the series, the first two were very good. This series is not quite like the rest of Koontz’s style, but really engaging. This is the blurb on Audible: No one could have imagined Odd Thomas ever leaving the quirky comfort of Pico Mundo. Yet leave it he has, for a monastery. But Odd has a knack for finding trouble no matter where he goes….

  1. Blood Territory by Mark Whittaker 

This sounded intriguing…From the Audible site: Less than 250,000 people live in the Northern Territory of Australia, an area more than twice the size of Texas. If one wants to escape from civilization, there’s no need to go far. But the heat can’t be outrun. Every year during October and November, the sweltering climate can drive people wild—they call it ‘suicide season,’ ‘mango madness’ or, simply, ‘the build-up.’ It’s during this burning heat that Jim O’Connell’s mummified and castrated body is found in a creek bed. But when a dubious plea deal buries the truth and puts Jim’s best mate, Philip Mather, behind bars for the crime, the victim’s parents seek to unravel it themselves to prove Philip’s innocence.

  1. Beekeeping for Beginners: Your Ultimate Guide to Starting Your First Colony and Backyard Beekeeping with Honey Bees by Dave Russell 

I took a beekeeping course through Cornell, but I need to refresh and learn more before trying to keep our own. I had downloaded this to my Audible account before Coronacation, and thought I would be able to listen on my way to work each day. Then…my schedule changed. 

  1. Harry Potter and the Prisoner of Azkaban by JK Rowling 

This would be a reread for me. The first book is far too slow for me to want to reread and I didn’t really like the second, so starting with the third or fourth is ideal. I might be happy to have a movie marathon instead.

  1. The Hunger Games Trilogy by Suzanne Collins

This is also a reread. I loved the first two books, I was less happy with the third book. I would actually be just as content watching the movies, I think.

  1. The Faerie Games (Dark World: The Faerie Games Book 1) by Michelle Madow 

I just found this series on Amazon, but it sounds intriguing. I do always favor fantasy fiction, even though I sometimes mix it up with action adventure. Here is the description on Amazon: I’m Selena Pearce, and in the past few days I’ve been kidnapped by faeries, gifted with powerful magic, and forced by the gods to compete in a twisted game to the death.

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